Environmental, Social,Governance (ESG) 

and corporate sustainability

What is corporate sustainability? 

It is the integration of a few key-factors into the business model and their strategic management, aimed at contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, while improving company performance. 

The mentioned key-factors belong to three different macro areas, from which the acronym ESG derives.

If managed strategically and adapted to corporate cultural and commercial structure, sustainability turns into a real growth asset: it reduces risks and improves the existing processes, for each of the environmental, social and governance areas.

The European Union requires companies to communicate annually their ESG performance and commitment through a sustainability report, which must include information that are relevant, comparable, verifiable and of retrospective and prospective nature.

Become sustainable

Corporate benefits

There are many reasons why companies decide to open up to sustainability. 

First of all, the strategic management of ESG topics brings risk minimisation and process improvement, that boost stability, resilience and growth. 

Corporate sustainability produces also external benefits:

Recap of corporate sustainability benefits

Process efficiency and risk reduction (less costs, more performance)
Improved market position
and regulatory compliance
Better insurance and credit conditions 
Access to capital market
Greater attraction of investors
Rewards in public tenders, tax breaks and financing
Start the change

Global initiatives

What is the international context behind corporate sustainability? How did we arrive at defining the lines of action that companies are called upon to follow to contribute to the achievement of the European environmental, social and economic targets? Over the years, the United Nations and the European Union launched several initiatives to promote the transition towards a global sustainable development model. The goal is one and only: a stable growth of the society, focused on the well-being of people and inclusive
Discover global initiatives