Cookie policy

General information

We use cookies to ensure the correct functioning of this website and to improve the browsing experience for users.

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 also known as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”), this Cookie Policy aims to make known the procedures followed for the collection, through tracking tools including cookies (hereinafter referred to as a whole “Cookies”) of the information provided by users through the device they use to navigate within this website owned by Business&Sustainability S.R.L., at the following address:  ( hereinafter, the “Website”).

From this Website it is possible to access via links to other sites and social platforms, such as, for example, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Business&Sustainability S.R.L. is not responsible for the Cookies used by these websites and/or platforms and invites users to consult the respective privacy and cookie policies to manage the processing of their data.

This Cookie Policy should be read together with our Privacy Policy, which provides more information on the processing of users’ personal data.

Data Controller

The Data Controller of personal data is Business&Sustainability S.R.L., with registered office in Piazza Repubblica 5, 21100 Varese (VA), Italy, VAT n. IT 03923880128 (hereinafter “B&ST”).

For any communication regarding data processing and use of cookies, B&ST provides the following e-mail address:


What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files, which contain small amounts of information, sent from a website to the browser of the computer or other device used by the user and within which they are stored, to be then re-transmitted to the same website at each following visit. Their goal is to allow users to be recognised and to make the website more responsive to their requests, as well as to facilitate their navigation.


What cookies are used?

Technical or functional cookies

This Website uses only technical or functional cookies to carry out activities that are strictly necessary to guarantee the functioning of the site and/or the provision of services and, therefore, they do not require users’ consent. Users can still disable them by changing the settings of their browser or device, however, this could negatively affect basic operational functions or lead to the unavailability of the service.



Cookies setting

By their nature, the cookies used by this Website do not require users’ consent. However, users can revoke their consent to the use of these cookies through the browser or device settings. In this way it is also possible to delete Cookies saved in the past.

Users can find information on how to manage cookies with some of the most popular browsers, for example, at the following addresses:

With reference to the Identifiers used by third parties, users can manage their settings and withdraw their consent by visiting the relevant opt ​​out link (if available), using the tools described in the third party’s privacy policy or by contacting the third party directly.


Modifications to the Cookie Policy

B&ST may make periodic changes or corrections to this Cookie Policy at its discretion. When these changes are made, B&ST will update the revision date and the changes to this Policy will affect users and the processing of their personal data from the new date. B&ST therefore invites users to periodically check this Cookie Policy to be informed about how B&ST uses cookies.

This Cookie Policy has been drafted in Italian. To the extent that a translated version of it conflicts with the Italian version, the Italian version will prevail.

Rev. 1, 07.12.22

Le tre ragioni di business alla base della scelta di sostenibilitĂ .


La gestione responsabile delle tematiche ambientali, sociali ed economiche permette di ridurre una pluralitĂ  di rischi e di cogliere numerose opportunitĂ  per migliorare le performance della propria impresa, aumentandone la produttivitĂ  e rafforzandone la stabilitĂ  e la resilienza.


Le scelte dei consumatori sono sempre più orientate a soluzioni sostenibili e nei rapporti B2B alle imprese viene chiesto di dare crescente evidenza delle proprie performance ESG a garanzia della stabilità e del successo della catena del valore. Anche gli istituti di credito includono criteri ESG nei propri sistemi di valutazione, in linea con l’obiettivo della Tassonomia UE di orientare i flussi di capitale verso investimenti sostenibili.

ConformitĂ  legislativa

I Paesi dell’Unione Europea stanno progressivamente recependo con leggi di carattere nazionale una serie di direttive applicabili ai diversi ambiti della sostenibilità, aventi l’obiettivo di raggiungere un modello di sviluppo pienamente sostenibile in linea con il Green Deal europeo, il Global Compact e l’Agenda 2030 dell’ONU. Inoltre, è appena stato raggiunto un accordo sulla nuova direttiva CSRD per il reporting non finanziario delle imprese, che estenderà l’obbligo di rendicontazione sulla sostenibilità ad una platea più ampia di soggetti, tra cui alcune categorie di PMI.