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Corporate solutions

Sustainability Management 
An all-inclusive approach to guide your business towards eco-friendly and socially responsible business practices.
From stakeholder mapping to ESG assessment and the creation of a tailor made sustainability plan, we are committed to promoting corporate stability and growth and its alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our expertise also covers the responsible management of human rights, to reduce operational risks while helping to build a solid and sustainable reputation
  • Stakeholder mapping and analysis

    Interested parties, or “stakeholders”, are subjects whose actions influence your company ability to create value while, in turn, they are influenced by corporate decisions and actions. Identifying and analysing them is essential to promote the stability and growth of your business.


    In carrying out its activities, your company produces impacts on the economic system, people and the environment, it is exposed to risks and it can seize new opportunities related to ESG topics. Their mapping and analysis make it possible to identify those strategic areas to be monitored and managed to contribute to international ESG goals and to improve your business performance.


    A picture of how ESG topics are currently managed inside your company helps to build an effective sustainability management system with all its advantages. Gap analysis provides a comparison between “what is” and “what should be” and it is therefore a useful tool in the decision-making process.


    Once the current ESG management situation of your company has been defined and the potential areas for intervention and improvement have been identified, it is possible to produce a Sustainability Plan to improve your ESG performance and get aligned with the goals of the European Union.


    Two fundamental elements of corporate sustainability are: becoming aware of the internationally recognised (and sanctioned) human rights that companies are called upon to respect internally and monitor along their value chain; taking action to ensure their full protection and promotion. The responsible management of human rights topics reduces a series of risks that could compromise your company performance and reputation.


    A fundamental pillar of corporate sustainability is the contribution provided, directly and indirectly, to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN 2030 Agenda. At the same time, it is also important to identify which SDGs may be negatively affected by your business practices and choices, in order to fix them.

ESG reporting
persone che indicano un grafico
A complete process, that starts with the identification of the main corporate ESG topics, goes through the setting of the necessary KPIs, data collection and their effective communication. The Sustainability Report gives the reader a clear, immediate and balanced image of the sustainability implications linked to the economic results your company achieves. Communicate your sustainability


    Materiality analysis is the starting point of a Sustainability Report. It consists of identifying the most relevant ESG topics (otherwise called “material”) to include them in the report, according to a specific procedure defined by the main international standards. For each and every material topic companies must provide qualitative and quantitative information to show their ESG performance, management methods and future targets.


    The identification of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be included in the Sustainability Report is based partly on the requirements of reporting standards, partly on the corporate structure, its sector and the available information. To ensure the maximum effectiveness and quality of the data that will be included in the report, it is essential to structure a customer-oriented data collection system.


    The drafting of the Sustainability Report starts from a strategic analysis of the collected data. The document must then be structured in full compliance with the reporting requirements to ease consultation and comparability and in such a strategic way as to effectively communicate corporate ESG commitment and performance.

    A Sustainability Report completes your corporate financial information answering this question: how and with which ESG implications has your company achieved its results?

    This is the one and only official tool identified by the European Union to provide corporate sustainability information and data and, therefore, the only to guarantee full regulatory compliance with the ESG reporting obligation.

ESG Strategy
Persone in ufficio che parlano di sostenibilità
At the heart of our corporate philosophy, two key services to turn sustainability into a lever to improve your business: involvement and valorisation of stakeholders represent the basis on which to build lasting relations that bring value to your company; market analysis and strategic planning help you strengthening your corporate image and standing out from competitors.

    Once priority stakeholders and their expectations have been defined, an effective strategy of intervention and monitoring must be implemented to increase their interest in your company. This means, periodically checking their priorities and monitoring their level of satisfaction.


    Sustainability can be effectively used as a marketing lever to stand out from competitors. The contents of strategic communication must be defined in such a way as to guarantee their maximum effectiveness, without incurring the so called “green washing”.

Sustainability of the value chain 
Reach the full corporate sustainability using our services for the value chain and meet the requirements of extended responsibility, focusing on the sustainability of your business relations. Suppliers, subcontractors, distributors and transporters: our tool for data collection and sustainability rating supports your company to better manage the sustainability of its value chain.
Through ESG audits, we verify on your behalf that your business partners comply with your sustainability requirements and fit your corprorate values. We identify and suggest any necessary corrective actions. With us, sustainability becomes a real competitive advantage for your business. 

  • Document drafting

    Explore the core of corporate sustainability through our document writing services. From the Code of Ethics, which outlines corporate guiding values, to the Supplier Code of Conduct, that represents the basis of sustainable procurement, up to the strategic Sustainability Charter, summarising the medium-long term commitments of your company. Our drafting services turn principles into tangible documents, guiding you and your stakeholders in creating an ethical and sustainable path for your business. Define your sustainability


    The ESG information collected from business partners must be verified, both to meet European Due Diligence requirements and to optimally carry out the risk analysis of your value chain. Through our second-party auditing system we make it possible and easier for your company to verify the truthfulness of the collected data and check the level of adherence to your sustainability requirements of the subjects belonging to your value chain.

Document drafting
Explore the core of corporate sustainability through our document writing services. From the Code of Ethics, which outlines corporate guiding values, to the Supplier Code of Conduct, that represents the basis of sustainable procurement, up to the strategic Sustainability Charter, summarising the medium-long term commitments of your company. Our drafting services turn principles into tangible documents, guiding you and your stakeholders in creating an ethical and sustainable path for your business. 


    Document that presents the founding values ​​and guiding principles of your company. It states your commitment to becoming a socially responsible company and defines the behaviour that all its recipients have to follow to guarantee and safeguard the ethical management of your business.


    Key document of sustainable procurement, it explains the principles, values ​​and behaviours that your company deems to be essential to start and keep relationships with suppliers. It is aimed at ensuring that they operate in a way that is socially, environmentally and economically responsible to guarantee the stability and resilience of all the value chain.


    Document in which your corporate medium-long term ESG commitment and targets are summarised and strategically conveyed. It is an effective marketing tool for companies that want to further strengthen their strategic communication.

Other solutions
Discover our proposals to improve your sustainability performance. From Carbon Footprint to the 231 Organisational Model, we offer high quality solutions to best manage different ESG corporate aspects: environment, safety, gender equality, GDPR and regulatory compliance. Explore sustainable investments and the great potential of ESG marketing. We will guide your company towards cutting-edge and successful sustainable management

    Product Carbon Footprint

    It takes into account all the phases of a product or service lifecycle, “from the cradle to the grave”, i.e. from the supply of raw materials, to disposal at the end of life, passing through production, transport and use.

    Corporate Carbon Footprint

    It expresses the GHG emissions resulting from direct and indirect corporate activities.

    It includes 3 types of emissions:

    • Scope 1 (direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by your company)
    • Scope 2 (indirect emissions resulting from energy purchased or acquired, generated off-site and consumed by your company)
    • Scope 3 (indirect emissions generated by your value chain)

    Carbon Footprint produces several corporate benefits:

    • environmental marketing and “green reputation”
    • greater competitiveness of its products-services
    • better positioning concerning future environmental tax policies on CO2

    Nowadays, the Environmental Product Declaration is one of the most widespread European certifications that quantify the environmental impacts of a product along its lifecycle phases.

    To produce an EPD some fixed steps have to be followed: 

    • Verification of PCR (Product Category Rules)
    • LCA analysis (Life Cycle Assessment)
    • Drafting of the Environmental Product Declaration
    • Compilation of reports on the LCA study
    • Verification and validation of documents
    • Achievement of EPD certification and publication


    The adoption of EPDs allows to:

    • Communicate the sustainability degree of your products
    • Show the company’s environmental commitment
    • Obtain rewards in public procurement: it promotes access to the green procurement market and guarantees compliance with the MEC, Minimum Environmental Criteria, required by various sectors (construction, furniture, stationery, catering, textiles and footwear, electronics, energy services, building management services, transport, waste management and urban and territorial services).

    Safety at work is essential to ensure the quality and stability of your business operations and represents one of the key principles of ethical business management: offering your people a safe environment and promoting their active participation in accident prevention fulfils an employer’s broader social commitment.

    A corporate safety system involves several activities and certifications:

    – H&S training

    – Risk Assessment Document (DVR)

    – Fire Prevention Certificate (CPI)

    – Emergency and Evacuation Plan (PEE)


    The adoption of measures to protect workplace safety allows to:

    • Minimise the risk of accidents at work
    • Safeguard corporate operations
    • Ensure regulatory compliance

    The adoption of 231 Model supports companies in limiting their liability in criminal proceedings with respect to the risk of committing crimes by subjects acting in their interest or to their advantage.

    Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 annually defines and integrates the offences covered by the model:

    • corporate crimes (false accounting…)
    • environmental crimes;
    • crimes against health and safety at work (violation of accident prevention regulations…)
    • crimes against the Public Administration (fraud and corruption);
    • crimes against the individual personality (slavery);
    • transnational crimes (migrant trafficking, money laundering);
    • crimes with the aim of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order;
    • cybercrime crimes;
    • market abuse;

    Corporate responsibility includes:

    • people who hold representation, management and administrative roles;
    • people subject to management and supervision, such as employees;
    • autonomous organisational entities.


    If correctly developed, adopted and updated, the model allows to:

    • protect company operations
    • preserve company reputation
    • avoid financial penalties
    • avoid disqualifying sanctions, such as being banned from carrying out activity for up to one year; suspension or revocation of authorisations, licenses and concessions; exclusion from public administration supply tenders; exclusion from benefits, financing, contributions or subsidies and revocation of those already granted; ban on advertising goods or services.
  • GDPR

    GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a set of common rules and guidelines aimed at improving and standardising the privacy protection of EU citizens. Compliance with the GDPR is mandatory since 2018 and includes:

    • compliance with standard data protection measures;
    • verification of the technical and organisational measures adopted to ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the processing systems and services;
    • ability to promptly restore availability and access to personal data in the event of a physical or technical incident.

    Companies that do not comply with the regulation are subject to economic sanctions of up to 4% of their annual turnover (max € 20 million).


    The adoption of procedures to protect privacy as required by the GDPR allows to:

    • minimise the risk of data loss and compromise
    • protect corporate operations
    • ensure regulatory compliance

    La Certificazione della parità di genere è un’attestazione che viene riconosciuta ai datori di lavoro che investono all’interno della propria impresa per ridurre il “gender gap”, ovvero il divario tra i dipendenti uomo e donna in termini di stipendio, accessibilità alla carriera e welfare legato alla maternità. La certificazione è facoltativa e ha validità di tre anni.



    Oltre ai benefici aziendali interni e alla tutela della conduzione etica del business, esistono altri importanti vantaggi legati al conseguimento di tale certificazione:

    • punteggio premiale per la valutazione, da parte di autorità titolari di fondi europei nazionali e regionali, di proposte progettuali ai fini della concessione di aiuti di Stato a cofinanziamento degli investimenti sostenuti;
    • bonus contributivo sul versamento dei contributi previdenziali complessivi a carico del datore di lavoro (l’esonero è applicato su base mensile e parametrato in misura non superiore all’1% del dovuto, nel limite massimo di € 50.000 annui)
    • punteggio aggiuntivo in graduatoria per appalti, gare pubbliche e possibile riduzione del 30% della garanzia fideiussoria per la partecipazione all’appalto.

    The Certification of Gender Equality is recognised to those employers who invest to reduce the “gender gap”, i.e. the gap between male and female employees in terms of salary, career accessibility and maternity welfare. It is voluntary and valid for three years.


    In addition to internal corporate benefits, this certification safeguards the ethical business conduct of your company and brings also other important advantages:

    • reward score for the evaluation, by authorities holding national and regional European funds, of project proposals for the purpose of granting public aid to co-finance them;
    • bonus on the payment of the social security contributions by the employer (the exemption is applied on a monthly basis and set to a max. rate of 1% of the due amount, max. €50.000/year)
    • additional score in public tenders and possible 30% reduction in the surety bond.

    More and more companies and people are choosing investments that provide a return and at the same time produce positive effects in terms of sustainability. The market of so-called “sustainable investments” is continuously growing, also supported by European legislation on sustainable finance, which aims to encourage the flow of capital towards entities and projects that meet specific ESG requirements and which contribute to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Green Deal. Furthermore, companies that strategically manage ESG factors protect and strengthen their ability to create value, minimising corporate risks and improving business processes.

    Investing in this kind of company therefore offers greater guarantees.


    • contribution to achieving the SDGs and the Green Deal targets
    • greater stability and potential return on investments
    • strategic ESG communication

    The strategic communication of your sustainability commitment, the achieved goals and future ones helps your company to strengthen brand awareness and standing out from competitors. Likewise, it allows to improve the market positioning of your products and services by underlining their sustainability.

    In order to make ESG marketing an effective business lever it is necessary to adopt a strategic approach that includes:

    • the identification of key information of your company and activities of market analysis and benchmarking;
    • the definition of the most effective communication method according to a multi-channel approach;
    • the study of content, graphics and design (in the case of products).

    More than simply green: sustainability marketing allows companies to make the most of their website, social media and other communication tools to obtain a greater visibility.

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